Learn eTOM Business Process Mapping in Moscow March 25-28

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eTOM Training Opportunity in Moscow

Moscow, March 25-28

With TM Forum Training, you can learn how to make NGOSS work for you!

March 25: NGOSS Distilled (introductory level)
March 26: eTOM Distilled (introductory level)
March 27-28 eTOM Implementer’s Workshop (intermediate level)

Take one, two or all three!


NGOSS Distilled:
NGOSS Distilled provides students with an over view of the NGOSS framework and its key components: the Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM), the SID Shared Information/Data Model, the Technology-Neutral Architecture and Application Map. The course contains a suite of practical exercises to help the assimilation of these topics. The course will cover the NGOSS lifecycle and recent work in the area of compliance but it will not provide a step by step deployment methodology.

eTOM Distilled
The eTOM framework is at the heart of NGOSS. It provides the only standardized way within the telecoms industry to capture business processes. eTOM Distilled provides the attendee with a big picture view of the eTOM framework and its use in business process transformation. The student will hear how eTOM has been used in successful projects and will take part in practical exercises aimed at enhancing the knowledge gained in the course.

eTOM Implementer’s Workshop
The adoption of the TM Forum’s Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) continues to increase within the telecommunications industry. As a result, there is a need to provide advanced training in how the eTOM can be extended/modified for use by an organization and in the practical use of the eTOM. 
The eTOM Implementer’s Workshop provides students with practical guidance for implementing, using and extending the eTOM. Case studies depict how the eTOM is being used organizations and exercises allow students to practice the competencies obtained during the workshop.

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